Our God is so big that nothing is impossible for Him and so close that He is always with us.
You may have read on Facebook that I met with my ex-husband's wife (whom he had an affair with) for lunch and let her know that I forgive her and showed her grace and love. I hope that this is only one of many times that I am privileged to show her God's love. Yes - I just said that meeting her and spending time with her was a privilege. It really was. What a gift that God chose to use the imperfect person that I am to represent His perfect love to those who do not know Him? Aside for receiving grace and forgiveness from God myself, I don't think I have ever experienced Jesus like this before. It was BIG and BOLD and COURAGEOUS and it was not me, but HIM.
I have received responses giving me praise for this, but the praise does not belong to me. Without Jesus I would still be hating. Without Jesus I would be revengeful. Without Jesus I would still be broken in pieces on the ground.
Funny thing is that I felt kind of like a mom...well, based on her age it could almost be appropriate, but I cared. I cared about her soul, her job search, her adjustment to living in CA...I genuinely felt compassion for her. As I write this I feel like I am going nuts, but as I stated in a previous post, God is crazy! His Love and Grace are so radical that they transcend any limitations we put on them. They transcend our society's ways of dealing with circumstances.
I sometimes feel like my faith is becoming crazy...so simple, but radical and crazy in the amount of love I try to give. I know none of it is from me and sometimes I feel less than worthy of accepting it, let alone giving it.
Anyway, for those that want details: we met, had lunch with the boys, let them go play, I told her I forgive her, support their marriage, think things worked out for the best for everyone, she asked about the boys, I invited them to church, talked about our faith or lack of it growing up...normal conversation I would have with a new friend. We were together for about an hour. Not much to tell...
If you have never read it, pick up the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It will change your life (as will just reading the bible.) Don't hate me after you read it...it's a little dangerous :)
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